Monday, March 01, 2010

Happy Monday!

I hope everyone had a terrific weekend!

(c) Ian Grant
Ian Grant Photography, feat. on Style Me Pretty

I feel like I've met such wonderful people through this blog, and I appreciate all the company you give me!

But to get right to it -- even though I'm a little late, I've finally decided that I must take a teensy break for the rest of Lent, and can hopefully use this extra time from my blogging break (all blogs! can I even do this?) to find my spiritual center again.

I know, this is a bit personal -- but I love it when my fave bloggers share a little bit more of their life beyond beautiful images (though duh, my fave blogs are my faves bc of all the lovelies they share!), so I hope y'all don't mind, either.

Anyway, I've scheduled some posts for the next two weeks, plus have some Dress Details and Friday Love posts scheduled.  And perhaps I'll knock out a couple more to get in a little love to some good friends! 

But -- here's to hoping all of you have a lovely month, and I'm looking forward to when we meet again!

(c) Ian Grant
Ian Grant Photography, feat. on Style Me Pretty

1 comment:

OneCraftyFox said...

Thanks so much for stopping by my blog and leaving such a nice comment. It *is* wonderful to get comments, isn't it? :)

Look forward to seeing more of your blog. Have a great month off.

More Treasures!

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