Saturday, May 15, 2010

Saturday Happiness

Well, we sprang out of bed this morning to support our friends who had some stalls in our neighborhood yard sale. Only to find it cancelled. As was my girls trip on the lake, bc the weather reports were ominous -- except it is now sunny :). But I won't lie: I love my now-lazy Saturday! What I'm doing now: sitting in a bar & grill, menu-planning for the next couple weeks because the hubs and I have been living off of takeout, fast food, and frozen entered for entirely too long. And perhaps because I want to do what I can to prep for these hiking trips I'm going on in a couple weeks -- well, not so much "hiking" as "walking through the woods, very leisurely," I'm hoping :) Hope your weekend is lovely!!

And this last one is just to share some Filipino love -- I love these flickr greetings!

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