Sunday, April 05, 2009

My weekend in photos

Wrapping this beauty.

From Pepper Pod Designs on Etsy -

The photo doesn't do it justice, trust me! I know, I sound like a terrible ebay seller :D But seriously -- soo sparkly. I wanted to keep it for myself, but it's a "Happy Baby Mama!!" gift for my friend who's found out she's healthily 3 months along! I know, early to celebrate, I can't help it though -- it's their first!

In this fun wrapping....

(It's a baby stroller, get it :)?)

To be included with...
Their Vegas wedding scrapbook I finished putting together, whoo! I don't want any surprises spoiled, hee, so just a few photos (and whited-out goodness, just to preserve their wishes...)

Then... supporting my best friend running her first marathon!

I drove into Dallas after 3 hours of sleep, leaving at 4:45A this morning -- ugh!! Poor planning on my part, really -- I had to leave at 4:45A from visiting with another friend who lives halfway between my place and Jess's so I could surprise her -- very well executed, if I say so myself! Though I'm paying for it now, sure -- but it was *so* worth it!

(Shoe tag was inside out -- she was the *only* one who did this, it was hilarious :D)

(signs I made the night before! Thus, part of the little little sleep :D)

Um, along with making iron-on shirts -- silly me, I have no good photo of me in it :D

But most importantly.... SUCCESS!

Overall, a fabulous, though sleep-deprived :D, weekend! And I didn't even describe all the yummy food I had... (Sigh) Good friends make everything better -- especially when it's one of those where you're doing something bright for *them* :)!

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