Thursday, April 08, 2010

wishing away the afternoon

It is So Pretty outside. All I can do is stare out my window -- see, you can pretend to do work with me, too. Staring at the reflection of files counts, right?

Well, I've also been slooowly catching up on my reader---okay, mostly daily not letting things posts pile up any longer. I've been tagging this week's posts with "Friday Faves" like nobody's business, but shoot -- did yall see the gorgeous India Elephant Bday Party on Hostess with the Mostess this morning? Loved the brights & cute AND gorgeous decor -- but this bebe pic was my *fave*! I hope all of you are having rockstar days today ;)

1 comment:

Jessica said...

Love the office photo. If this was a tv crime show someone would use it to figure out your location and solve a crime.

More Treasures!

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